Ballet Wichita Academy

Ballet Wichita offers progressive ballet training at the Ballet Wichita studio, located at 1600 W. Douglas. The training program focuses on classical ballet technique for dancers of all ages and skill levels.
For the serious dance students, our highly trained faculty will work to inspire the whole student to be both an accomplished dancer and a healthy, strong, confident athlete. Students will experience a structured curriculum in a nurturing and positive environment, targeting and exploring each student’s strengths and abilities.
This is an outline of the path and expectations of a dancer training for a comprehensive understanding and experience of ballet technique at Ballet Wichita. It is designed with best practices, current scientific understanding, and 450 years of honed (adjusted and codified) ballet training history.
Registration is always open.
Primary, Young Men, Ballet I & Ballet II (ages 5-12)
Creative Movement
Ages: 3-4
Class length: 45 min
Yr. 1 – one time per week
Yr. 2 – one or two times per week
Girls – Pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes, hair secured away from the face
Boys – White T-shirt, black shorts (above the knee), black ballet shoes
Primary Ballet
Ages: 5-7
Class length: 45 min
Yr. 1 – one time per week
Yr. 2 – one or two times per week
Girls – Pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes, hair secured away from the face
Boys – White T-shirt, black shorts (above the knee), black ballet shoes
Young Men’s Ballet
Ages: 8-12
Class length: 45 minutes
Attire: White T-shirt, black tights, black ballet shoes
***Students considering Ballet 1 or 2 are required to take a placement class prior to enrolling, offered at the beginning of each semester or by appointment.
Series typically takes 2 years minimum and 4 years maximum to complete.
Class attendance grows from once per week to 3 times per week over the course of the series.
Ballet I (a,b,c)
Ages: 7-12
Class length: 60 min
Yr. 1 – one or two times per week
Yr. 2 – two or three times per week
Girls – Royal blue leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes; hair secured away from the face
Boys – White T-shirt, black tights, black ballet shoes
Ballet II
Ages: 7-12
Class length: 75 minutes
Girls – Royal blue leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes; hair secured away from the face
Boys – White T-shirt, black tights, black ballet shoes
NOTE*** If a dancer wishes to progress towards pointe work after completing two Ballet II and one Ballet I class per week for one full school year, they must attend an additional pre-pointe strengthening class once per week. Dancers must have permission from BW faculty to begin working en pointe.
Ballet III (ages 10-16)
***Students considering Ballet 3 or above are required to take a placement class prior to enrolling, offered at the beginning of each semester or by appointment.
This intermediate series typically takes 3 years minimum and 5 years maximum to complete.
Ballet III
Ages: 10-16
Class length: 90 minutes
Girls – Black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, skirts for pointe class, hair secured away from the face
Boys – White T-shirt, Grey tights, white socks, white ballet shoes
Pointe requirements
Young girls’ growth plates generally harden into bone between ages 13 and 15 (boys are 15-17). Because of this it is critical to monitor a dancer’s growth and development during this time. To work en pointe successfully as an advanced dancer – the young dancer must be nurtured and trained in a way that protects the forming growth plates while also properly strengthening muscles, bones and joints to be able to safely dance en pointe for years to come.
For this reason, Ballet Wichita carefully monitors each dancer’s progress and discusses the best path forward with guardians and dancers with consultation from medical professionals.
We recommend young dancers be at least 11 years old to begin training in pointe shoes. In preparation for pointe, dancers take pre-pointe strengthening class prior to dancing en pointe. Dancers must have approval from BW faculty to begin pointe work.
Once pointe training begins – dancers must maintain a regular regimen to prevent injury, develop strength, and progress in technique. Once strength and technique are built, intermediate and advanced dancers should dance en pointe at least three times per week to maintain strength and technique; and five times per week to improve strength and technique.
Pas de Deux requirements
Dancers aged 13 and older with at least three (3) years ballet technique training may begin to attend pas de deux classes. Pas de deux may be taken in flat shoes, or en pointe for dancers with at least 2 years of pointe classes completed.
Ballet IV, Apprentice and Co. Member (ages 14+)
***Students considering this series are required to take a placement class prior to enrolling, offered at the beginning of each semester or by appointment.
This series typically takes 5 years to complete.
Class attendance grows from four ballet technique classes per week to five or six per week over the course of the series.
Ballet IV
Ages: 14-16
Class length: 90 minutes
Ladies – Black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, skirts for pointe class, hair secured away from the face
Men – White T-shirt, Grey tights, white socks, white ballet shoes
Ages: 15-20
Class length: 90 minutes
Ladies – Maroon leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes/pointe shoes, hair secured away from the face
Men – Black T-shirt, Grey tights, black socks, black ballet shoes
Company Member
Ages: 15+
Class Length: 90 minutes
Attire: All – Dancer’s choice; please no sweats or other coverups. Women are permitted to wear skirts during center.
Drop Ins
Open to any interested student in the Wichita community. Dancers can utilize either monthly enrollment, 5-class, or 10-class punch cards. Class cards expire after 6 months.
*For all classes, hair must be secured away from your face.
Tuition, Payments, and Policies
Tuition- due by first class day of each month
● Each student has an annual registration fee of $24.00.
o Families with multiple dancers receive a 50% discount on each subsequent registration fee.
● Ballet Wichita is committed to making dance training accessible and offers a limited number of work-study scholarships for parents or students ages 14+. Email to inquire.
Students ages 7+ interested in Ballet 1 or above are required to take a placement class prior to enrolling. Students may register prior to placement, but actual enrollment and payment will be based on results from the placement class. Email for more information, or to schedule a placement by appointment.
Please note that Academy enrollment is required to receive the discounted rate on supplemental/drop-in classes. Students taking only open classes must use a punch card.
Classes with fewer than 3 students are subject to cancellation.